Initial Layer of Wax

1. Remove the prepared tooth from the typodont. Place an initial, thin layer of BLUE wax over the entire prepared surface of the tooth (die) using the large end of the PKT 1 instrument. Do not leave the margins uncovered. Excess wax beyond 0.2mm should be removed before moving to the next step.

Cusps or Incisal Cones

2. Secure the prepared tooth in the typodont. The screw must be tightened to prevent movement of the die. Use RED wax and place cone for each of the cusps using the PKT 1. Check vertical height, faciolingual and mesiodistal positioning of each cone.


3. Use RED wax and establish the mesial and distal contacts with adjacent teeth with the PKT 1. Check the position and the bulk of the wax to assure that there are acceptable contacts.

Occlusal Table

4. Use GREEN wax to form ridges for each of the cusp ridges and marginal ridges. This will outline perimeter of the occlusal table in green wax.

Triangular Ridges

5. Use RED wax to establish the triangular ridge of each cusp. Begin in the central fossa and draw an appropriate amount of wax to the cusp tip using a PKT 1 or 2 (depending on the amount of wax needed).

Check the occlusion to assure even contacts on marginal ridges and or fossa that direct forces along the long axis of the tooth.

Check excursive movements to assure appropriate contacts where appropriate.

Contour Bars

6. Remove any excess RED wax from the contacts if the wax is wrapping around the adjacent tooth. This can be removed with the small end of the PKT 2 or other small carving instrument. If the die is removed while the wax is locked in an undercut, the wax will fracture.

7. Remove the die from the typodont. Add contour bars with GREEN wax where appropriate. Contour bars are to be placed at

a. line angles

b. each proximal surface

c. from each cusp tip to the margin of the preparation

Refine Margins and Contours

7. Use the Beavertail burnisher to remove any excess wax beyond the margins of the wax pattern. Confirm correct anatomical contour in all planes for each contour bar.


8. Use WHITE wax to fill in the spaces in the wax framework already established.

Final Finish and Polish

9. Use the Beavertail burnisher (and other appropriate instruments and accessories) to establish a smooth, void-free, anatomically correct wax pattern.