Classes of Teeth in the Permanent Dentition

The secondary (permanent) dentition has 4 classes of teeth. They are incisors, canines (cuspids), premolars (bicuspids) and molars.

The class of incisors includes 8 teeth. They are the maxillary left and right central and lateral incisors and the mandibular left and right central and lateral incisors. The class of canines totals 4 teeth, one in each quadrant. They are the maxillary left and right canines and the mandibular left and right canines. The premolars total 8 teeth. Each quadrant has a first and second premolar. There are three molars in each quadrant for a total of 12 molars in the permanent dentition. The permanent dentition, therefore has 32 teeth in total.



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Click on the movie icon above to view the classes of teeth in the permanent dentition. 

Classes of Teeth in the Primary Dentition

The primary (deciduous) dentition has only 3 of these classes of teeth. These are the incisors, canines and molars. There are no premolars in the primary dentition. The primary dentition will be presented in a later chapter.


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