Incisal View



 Ext Morph Mx Central Incisal 1.png

The shape of the crown in the incisal view tends to be triangular like all of the incisors and the crown tapers towards the lingual.

Facial Outline of Crown

The crown is evenly convex in this view at the crest of curvature but flattens out from the crest of curvature to the incisal ridge.

Lingual Outline of Crown

The cingulum is prominent in this view and is wide mesiodistally.

Mesial Surface of the Crown

The crown is generally convex.

Distal Surface of the Crown

The crown surface is generally convex.


 Ext Morph Mx Central Incisal 2.png

Incisal Ridge

In this view, the incisal ridge is centred labiolingually or slightly labial to the line. The difference between the labiolingual and mesiodistal widths should be noted. The mesiodistal width is greater than the labiolingual dimension by approximately 1.5mm.


The root is not visible in this view.



Anatomical Landmarks of the Maxillary Right Central Incisor - Incisal View


Click on this hyperlink to view the anatomical landmarks in the incisal view. 




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