Wax-Added Lab Manual
Dental Anatomy & Occlusion

Wax-Added Armamentarium

Kilgore typodont and screwdriver

Red Instrument Pouch






         Beavertail/Acorn burnisher


         Cotton Pliers


         CD 4/5 (discoid/cleoid carver)


Whip Mix

Coloured wax (blue, white, green and red)

Powdered wax


Students to provide

Pantyhose or equivalent

Lab supplies

         Cotton pellets


         BBQ lighters

         Storage cabinet for completed exercises




Initial Layer of Wax

1. Remove the prepared tooth from the typodont. Place an initial, thin layer of BLUE wax over the entire prepared surface of the tooth (die) using the large end of the PKT 1 instrument. Do not leave the margins uncovered. Excess wax beyond 0.2mm should be removed before moving to the next step.

Cusps or Incisal Cones

2. Secure the prepared tooth in the typodont. The screw must be tightened to prevent movement of the die. Use RED wax and place cone for each of the cusps using the PKT 1. Check vertical height, faciolingual and mesiodistal positioning of each cone.


3. Use RED wax and establish the mesial and distal contacts with adjacent teeth with the PKT 1. Check the position and the bulk of the wax to assure that there are acceptable contacts.

Occlusal Table

4. Use GREEN wax to form ridges for each of the cusp ridges and marginal ridges. This will outline perimeter of the occlusal table in green wax.

Triangular Ridges

5. Use RED wax to establish the triangular ridge of each cusp. Begin in the central fossa and draw an appropriate amount of wax to the cusp tip using a PKT 1 or 2 (depending on the amount of wax needed).

Check the occlusion to assure even contacts on marginal ridges and or fossa that direct forces along the long axis of the tooth.

Check excursive movements to assure appropriate contacts where appropriate.

Contour Bars

6. Remove any excess RED wax from the contacts if the wax is wrapping around the adjacent tooth. This can be removed with the small end of the PKT 2 or other small carving instrument. If the die is removed while the wax is locked in an undercut, the wax will fracture.

7. Remove the die from the typodont. Add contour bars with GREEN wax where appropriate. Contour bars are to be placed at

a. line angles

b. each proximal surface

c. from each cusp tip to the margin of the preparation

Refine Margins and Contours

7. Use the Beavertail burnisher to remove any excess wax beyond the margins of the wax pattern. Confirm correct anatomical contour in all planes for each contour bar.


8. Use WHITE wax to fill in the spaces in the wax framework already established.

Final Finish and Polish

9. Use the Beavertail burnisher (and other appropriate instruments and accessories) to establish a smooth, void-free, anatomically correct wax pattern.

Prepared Teeth in the Maxillary Arch


Click and hold the cursor down on the 3D model above to rotate the model (or click on the 3D model and use the arrow buttons).

Step 1 Initial Layer of Wax


With the prepared tooth in your hand (not screwed into the typodont), apply a thin layer of BLUE wax to the preparation. The wax should be of even thickness (approximately 0.5mm) and cover the mesial half of the crown (prepared tooth surface). The wax should go to and slightly beyond the cavosurface margin of the preparation initially. Remove gross excess wax now. The final finishing and refinement of the margins will be managed at a later stage in the waxing procedure. The margins will be sealed and properly contoured using the beavertail portion of the BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher in one of the last steps of the procedure. Use the PKT1 instrument to apply the wax. There should be no voids in the wax.



Initial layer of wax

Labial View



Initial layer of wax

Lingual View



Initial layer of wax

Incisal View


Step 2 Establishing Mesial Contact



Screw the prepared tooth into the typodont. Using RED wax and the PKT1 instrument, add a cone to contact the mesioincisal portion of the adjacent maxillary central incisor. This step establishes the contact that must be maintained throughout this exercise. The position of the contact coincides with the mesial crest of curvature of this tooth, which is in the incisal third of the crown. Evaluate the amount and location of the wax cone from the labial, lingual and incisal views as shown below.



Establishing mesial contact

Labial View



Establishing mesial contact

Lingual View



Establishing mesial contact

Incisal View


Step 3 Establishing the Incisal Ridge



Using a PKT1 and WHITE wax, establish the incisal ridge. Evaluate amount and location of wax from the labial, lingual and incisal views. The goal is to add the correct amount of wax in the correct location using your wax instruments. Minimal carving should be required.



Step 4 Establishing the Contour Bars



Remove the tooth from the typodont to begin this step. Using a PKT1 and GREEN wax, establish the mesiolabial contour bar (labial view). Follow that by establishing the cingulum and mesiolingual contour bar (lingual view). Screw the tooth back into the typodont. Evaluate amount and location of wax from the labial, lingual and incisal views. Assess the contact after adding the mesiolingual contact bar. Carefully close the typodont. If the contact is heavy, heat up the wax to achieve an ideal location, size and magnitude of the contact. See the final picture for the location and size of the contact.



Incisal ridge and mesiolabial contour bar

Labial View



Incisal ridge, mesiolingual contour bar and cingulum

Lingual View



Incisal ridge, mesiolabial and mesiolingual contour bars and cingulum

Incisal View


Step 5 Final Steps


Click and hold the cursor down on the 3D model above to rotate the model (or click on the 3D model and use the arrow buttons).



Fill in the remaining missing tooth structure using the PKT1 or PKT2 instruments using BLUE wax. Most of this step can be completed with the tooth out of the typodont. Make sure you don't add wax to the contact area. Use the BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher, the CD 4/5 (discoid cleoid) carver to complete the final contour and finish of the wax-added exercise. Use a piece of nylon stocking or pantyhose to complete the finish. Screw the tooth back into the typodont and evaluate. Make sure margins are sealed, contour is ideal, contact has been established and the surface is smooth.



Final wax-added exercise

Labial View



Final wax-added exercise

Lingual View



Final wax-added exercise

Incisal View


Contact position and size

The incisal ridge of the mandibular right central incisor contacts the mesial marginal ridge of the maxillary right central incisors in maximum intercuspation.



Lingual View



Prepared Teeth in the Mandibular Arch


Click and hold the cursor down on the 3D model above to rotate the model (or click on the 3D model and use the arrow buttons).


Step 1 Initial Layer of Wax



With the prepared tooth in your hand (not screwed into the typodont), apply a thin layer of BLUE wax to the preparation. The wax should be of even thickness (approximately 0.5mm) and cover the labial surface of the crown and the incisal portion of the preparation (prepared tooth surface). The wax should go to and slightly beyond the cavosurface margin of the preparation initially. Remove gross excess wax now. The final finishing and refinement of the margins will be managed at a later stage in the waxing procedure. The margins will be sealed and properly contoured using the beavertail portion of the BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher in one of the last steps of the procedure.  Use the PKT1 instrument to apply the wax. There should be no voids in the wax.



Initial layer of wax
Labial View



Initial layer of wax
Lingual View


Initial layer of wax
Incisal View


Step 2 Establishing the Incisal Ridge



Screw the prepared tooth into the typodont. Using a PKT1 and GREEN wax, establish the incisal ridge. Evaluate amount and location of wax from the labial, lingual and incisal views. Adjustments may be made with the tooth in or out of the typodont. The goal is to add the correct amount of wax in the correct location using your wax instruments. Minimal carving should be required. Evaluate amount and location of wax from the labial, lingual and incisal views.



Step 3 Establishing the Contour Bars



Remove the tooth from the typodont to begin this step. Using a PKT1 and RED wax, establish the mesiolabial contour bar, middle labial contour bar and the distolabial contour bar. Only the labial and incisal of this tooth has been reduced. Evaluate amount and location of wax from the labial and incisal views. Assess the contact after adding the incisal ridge. Carefully close the typodont. If the contact is heavy, heat up the wax to achieve an ideal location, size and magnitude of the contact. See the final picture for the location and size of the contacts.



Incisal ridge and the mesiolabial, middle labial and distolabial contour bars
Labial View



Incisal ridge and the mesiolabial, middle labial and distolabial contour bars
Lingual View



Incisal ridge and the mesiolabial, middle labial and distolabial contour bars
Incisal View


Step 4 Final Steps


Click and hold the cursor down on the 3D model above to rotate the model (or click on the 3D model and use the arrow buttons).



Fill in the remaining missing tooth structure using the PKT1 or PKT2 instruments using WHITE wax. Most of this step can be completed with the tooth out of the typodont. In this preparation, the contact has not been touched. Therefore, only the labial and incisal surfaces have been restored with wax. Use the BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher, the CD 4/5 (discoid cleoid) carver to complete the final contour and finish of the wax-added exercise. Use a piece of nylon stocking or pantyhose to complete the finish. Screw the tooth back into the typodont and evaluate. Make sure margins are sealed, contour is ideal, and the surface is smooth.



Final wax-added exercise
Labial View



Final wax-added exercise
Lingual View


Final wax-added exercise

Incisal View


Contact position and size

The distal marginal ridge of the maxillary left central incisor and the mesial marginal ridge of the maxillary lateral incisor are in contact with the incisal ridge of the mandibular left lateral incisor in maximum intercuspation.




Final wax-added exercise
Incisal View



Prepared Teeth in the Maxillary Arch


Click and hold the cursor down on the 3D model above to rotate the model (or click on the 3D model and use the arrow buttons).


Step 1 Initial Layer of Wax



With the prepared tooth in your hand (not screwed into the typodont), apply a thin layer of BLUE wax to the entire preparation. The wax should be of even thickness (approximately 0.5mm) and cover the entire surface of the crown (prepared tooth surface). The wax should go to and slightly beyond the cavosurface margin of the preparation initially. Remove gross excess wax now. The final finishing and refinement of the margins will be managed at a later stage in the waxing procedure. The margins will be sealed and properly contoured using the beavertail portion of the BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher in one of the last steps of the procedure. Use the PKT1 instrument to apply the wax. There should be no voids in the wax. The type of margin around the preparation is supragingival and near the CEJ (cementoenamel junction). The type of margin is called a chamfer on the lingual and a bevelled shoulder on the labial. Take care to make sure that the labial margin is waxed to include the bevel. The margin of the preparation is smooth and continuous. Therefore, if there is any irregularity or discontinuity in your waxed margin, the waxing is incorrect and requires modification.



Initial layer of wax

Labial View



Initial layer of wax

Lingual View



Initial layer of wax

Incisal View


Step 2 Establishing Mesial and Distal Contacts



Screw the prepared tooth into the typodont. Using RED wax and the PKT1 instrument, add a cone to contact the mesiobuccal portion of the adjacent maxillary first premolar and the distal of the maxillary lateral incisor at the junction of the middle and incisal thirds. This step establishes the contacts that must be maintained throughout this exercise. The position of the contacts coincides with the mesial and distal crests of curvature of this tooth, which is at the junction of the middle and incisal third mesially and in the middle third distally. Evaluate the amount and location of the wax cone from the labial, lingual and incisal views as shown below.



Mesial and distal contacts

Labial View



Mesial and distal contacts

Lingual View



Mesial and distal contacts

Incisal View


Step 3 Establishing the Cusp Ridges



Screw the prepared tooth into the typodont. Using a PKT1 and GREEN wax, establish the mesial and distal cusp ridges. The cusp tip should be offset to the mesial as the mesial cusp ridge is shorter than the distal cusp ridge. Evaluate amount and location of wax from the labial, lingual and incisal views. Adjustments may be made with the tooth in or out of the typodont. The goal is to add the correct amount of wax in the correct location using your wax instruments. Minimal carving should be required. Evaluate amount and location of wax from the labial, lingual and incisal views.



Step 4 Establishing the Contour Bars



Remove the tooth from the typodont to begin this step. Using a PKT1 and RED wax, establish the mesiolabial contour bar, middle labial contour bar and the distolabial contour bar. On the lingual surface establish the mesiolingual, distolingual and lingual contour bars along with the cingulum. Assess the contacts after adding the lingual contour bars. Carefully close the typodont. If the contacts are heavy, heat up the wax to achieve an ideal location, size and magnitude of the contact. See the final picture for the location and size of the contacts.



Cusp ridges and the mesiolabial, middle labial and distolabial contour bars

Labial View



Cusp ridges and the mesiolingual, lingual and distolingual contour bars and cingulum

Lingual View



Cusp ridges, contour bars and cingulum

Incisal View


Step 5 Final Steps


Click and hold the cursor down on the 3D model above to rotate the model (or click on the 3D model and use the arrow buttons).



Fill in the remaining missing tooth structure using the PKT1 or PKT2 instruments using WHITE wax. Most of this step can be completed with the prepared tooth out of the typodont. Use the BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher, the CD 4/5 (discoid cleoid) carver to complete the final contour and finish of the wax-added exercise. Use a piece of nylon stocking or pantyhose to complete the finish. Evaluate the margins of your wax pattern out of the typodont (using magnification). Screw the tooth back into the typodont and evaluate the completed wax pattern. After securing the prepared tooth with the completed wax pattern in the typodont, evaluate

1. mesial and distal contacts (location, magnitude and dimension)

2. labial and lingual crests of curvature (location and extent)

3. anatomical details

4. smoothness of surface (check for subsurface voids)

5. location and magnitude of maximum intercuspation contacts



Final wax-added exercise

Labial View



Final wax-added exercise

Lingual View



Final wax-added exercise

Incisal view


Contact position and size

The cusp tip of the mandibular canine contacts the mesial marginal ridge of the maxillary canine and the distal ridge of the maxillary lateral incisor (white dots) in maximum intercuspation.

The buccal cusp tip of the mandibular first premolar contacts the distal marginal ridge of the maxillary canine and the mesial marginal ridge of the maxillary first premolar (black dots) in maximum intercuspation.



Final wax-added exercise

Incisal View



Prepared Teeth in the Mandibular Arch


Click and hold the cursor down on the 3D model above to rotate the model (or click on the 3D model and use the arrow buttons).

Step 1 Initial Layer of Wax




With the prepared tooth in your hand (not screwed into the typodont), apply a thin layer of BLUE wax to the entire preparation. The wax should be of even thickness (approximately 0.5mm) and cover the entire surface of the crown (prepared tooth surface). The wax should go to and slightly beyond the cavosurface margin of the preparation initially. Remove gross excess wax now. The final finishing and refinement of the margins will be managed at a later stage in the waxing procedure. The margins will be sealed and properly contoured using the beavertail portion of the BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher in one of the last steps of the procedure. Use the PKT1 instrument to apply the wax. There should be no voids in the wax. The type of margin around the preparation is supragingival and near the CEJ (cementoenamel junction). The type of margin is called a chamfer. The margin of the preparation is smooth and continuous. Therefore, if there is any irregularity or discontinuity in your waxed margin, the waxing is incorrect and requires modification.



Initial layer of wax

Buccal View



Initial layer of wax

Lingual View



Initial layer of wax

Occlusal View


Step 2 Establishing Mesial and Distal Contacts & Cusp Tips



Screw the prepared tooth into the typodont. Using RED wax and the PKT1 instrument, add a cone to contact the distal portion of the adjacent mandibular first premolar and the mesial of the mandibular first molar. This step establishes the contacts that must be maintained throughout this exercise. The position of the contacts coincides with the mesial and distal crests of curvature of this tooth, which are in the occlusal portion of the middle third of the crown. Evaluate the amount and location of the wax cones from the buccal, lingual and occlusal views as shown below.

The buccal cusp tip is offset to the mesial and its height is established by placing the buccal cusp along the arc of the curve of Spee.

The buccal and two lingual cusps are visible in the lingual view. The buccal cusp is longer and is offset to the mesial. The mesiolingual cusp is next in height. The distolingual cusp is the shortest and narrowest mesiodistally of the three cusps. The buccal cusp of the mandibular second premolar should contact the distal marginal ridge of the maxillary first premolar and the mesial marginal ridge of the maxillary second premolar in an ideal Class I occlusion. Check the occlusion before moving to the next step.



Mesial and distal contacts, buccal, mesiolingual and distolingual cusps

Buccal View



Mesial and distal contacts, buccal, mesiolingual and distolingual cusps

Lingual View



Mesial and distal contacts, buccal, mesiolingual and distolingual cusps

Occlusal View


Step 3 Establishing the Cusp Ridges



Screw the prepared tooth into the typodont. Using a PKT1 and GREEN wax, establish the mesial and distal cusp ridges for each of the three cusps. The buccal cusp tip should be offset to the mesial as the mesial cusp ridge is shorter than the distal cusp ridge. Evaluate amount and location of wax from the buccal, lingual and occlusal views. Adjustments may be made with the tooth in or out of the typodont. The goal is to add the correct amount of wax in the correct location using your wax instruments. Minimal carving should be required.



Step 4 Establishing the Triangular Ridges



Using a PKT1 and RED wax, build the triangular ridges of the buccal, mesiolingual and distolingual cusps. Begin by placing the wax near the central developmental groove and draw the wax toward the buccal cusp tip. The triangular ridge of the buccal cusp should be triangular in shape and convex both mesiodistally and buccolingually. Do the same for the triangular ridges of the mesiolingual and distolingual cusps.



Step 5 Establishing the Contour Bars



Remove the tooth from the typodont to begin this step. Using a PKT1 and GREEN wax, establish the mesiobuccal contour bar, middle buccal contour bar and the distobuccal contour bar. On the lingual surface establish the mesiolingual and distolingual contour bars. Additional contour bars should extend from each of the lingual cusps to the margin. Assess the contacts after adding the lingual contour bars. Carefully close the typodont. If the contacts are heavy, heat the wax using a PKT1 or 2 instrument to achieve an ideal location, size and magnitude of the contact. See the final picture for the location and size of the contacts.



Step 6 Final Steps


Click and hold the cursor down on the 3D model above to rotate the model (or click on the 3D model and use the arrow buttons).



Fill in the remaining missing tooth structure using the PKT1 or PKT2 instruments using WHITE wax. Most of this step can be completed with the prepared tooth out of the typodont. Use the BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher, the CD 4/5 (discoid cleoid) carver to complete the final contour and finish of the wax-added exercise. Use a piece of nylon stocking or pantyhose to complete the finish. Re-wax your margins using BLUE WAX. Use your BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher to contour and seal the margins. Evaluate the margins of your wax pattern out of the typodont (using magnification). Screw the tooth back into the typodont and evaluate the completed wax pattern. After securing the prepared tooth with the completed wax pattern in the typodont, evaluate

1. mesial and distal contacts (location, magnitude and dimension)

2. buccal and lingual crests of curvature (location and extent)

3. anatomical details

4. smoothness of surface (check for subsurface voids)

5. location and magnitude of maximum intercuspation contacts



Final wax-added exercise

Buccal View




Final wax-added exercise

Lingual View



Final wax-added exercise

Occlusal view


Contact position and size

The buccal cusp of the mandibular second premolar (white dot) contacts the mesial marginal ridge of the maxillary second premolar and the distal marginal ridge of the maxillary first premolar in maximum intercuspation.

The lingual cusp of the maxillary second premolar contacts the distal marginal ridge of the mandibular second premolar and the mesial marginal ridge of the mandibular first molar (orange dots) in maximum intercuspation.

The lingual cusp of the maxillary first premolar contacts the mesial marginal ridge of the mandibular second premolar and the distal marginal ridge of the mandibular first premolar (yellow dots) in maximum intercuspation.



Final wax-added exercise

Occlusal View



Prepared Teeth in the Maxillary Arch


Click and hold the cursor down on the 3D model above to rotate the model (or click on the 3D model and use the arrow buttons).

Step 1 Initial Layer of Wax



With the prepared tooth in your hand (not screwed into the typodont), apply a thin layer of BLUE wax to the entire preparation. The wax should be of even thickness (approximately 0.5mm) and cover the entire surface of the crown (prepared tooth surface). The wax should go to and slightly beyond the cavosurface margin of the preparation initially. Remove gross excess wax now. The final finishing and refinement of the margins will be managed at a later stage in the waxing procedure. The margins will be sealed and properly contoured using the beavertail portion of the BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher in one of the last steps of the procedure. Use the PKT1 instrument to apply the wax. There should be no voids in the wax. The type of margin around the preparation is supragingival and near the CEJ (cementoenamel junction). The type of margin is called a chamfer. The margin of the preparation is smooth and continuous. Therefore, if there is any irregularity or discontinuity in your waxed margin, the waxing is incorrect and requires modification.



Initial layer of wax

Buccal View



Initial layer of wax

Lingual View



Initial layer of wax

Occlusal View


Step 2 Establishing Mesial and Distal Contacts & Cusp Tips



Screw the prepared tooth into the typodont. Using RED wax and the PKT1 instrument, add a cone to contact the distal portion of the adjacent maxillary canine and the mesial of the maxillary second premolar. This step establishes the contacts that must be maintained throughout this exercise. The position of the contacts coincides with the mesial and distal crests of curvature of this tooth, which are in the occlusal portion of the middle third of the crown. Evaluate the amount and location of the wax cone from the buccal, lingual and occlusal views as shown below.

The buccal cusp tip is offset to the distal and the length is established by evaluating the curve of Spee and placing the buccal cusp along this arc.

The buccal and lingual cusps are visible in the lingual view. The buccal cusp is longer and is offset to the distal. The lingual cusp is approximately 1mm shorter than the buccal cusp and is offset to the mesial. The lingual cusp of the maxillary first premolar should contact the distal marginal ridge of the mandibular first premolar and the mesial marginal ridge of the mandibular second premolar in an ideal Class I occlusion. Check the occlusion before moving to the next step.



Mesial and distal contacts & Buccal Cusp

Buccal View



Mesial and distal contacts & Buccal and Lingual Cusps

Lingual View



Mesial and distal contacts & Buccal and Lingual Cusps

Occlusal View


Step 3 Establishing the Cusp Ridges



Screw the prepared tooth into the typodont. Using a PKT1 and GREEN wax, establish the mesial and distal cusp ridges for the buccal and lingual cusps. The buccal cusp tip should be offset to the distal as the mesial cusp ridge is longer than the distal cusp ridge. Each of buccal cusp ridges are relatively straight. The lingual cusp tip should be offset to the mesial as the mesial cusp ridge is shorter than the distal cusp ridge. Both lingual cusp ridges are curved. Evaluate amount and location of wax from the buccal, lingual and occlusal views. Adjustments may be made with the tooth in or out of the typodont. The goal is to add the correct amount of wax in the correct location using your wax instruments. Minimal carving should be required.



Step 4 Establishing the Triangular Ridges



Using a PKT1 and RED wax, build the triangular ridges of the buccal and lingual cusps. Begin by placing the wax near the central developmental groove and draw the wax toward the buccal cusp tip. The triangular ridge of the buccal cusp should be triangular in shape and convex both mesiodistally and buccolingually. Do the same for the triangular ridge of the lingual cusp. The two triangular ridges are positioned in a buccolingual orientation and create a transverse ridge.



Step 5 Establishing the Contour Bars



Remove the tooth from the typodont to begin this step. Using a PKT1 and GREEN wax, establish the mesiobuccal contour bar, middle buccal contour bar and the distobuccal contour bar. On the lingual surface establish the mesiolingual, distolingual and middle lingual contour bars. Assess the contacts after adding the lingual contour bars. Carefully close the typodont. If the contacts are heavy, heat the wax using a PKT1 or 2 instrument to achieve an ideal location, size and magnitude of the contact. See the final picture for the location and size of the contacts.



Cusp ridges and the mesiobuccal, middle buccal and distobuccal contour bars

Buccal View



Cusp ridges and the mesiolingual, middle lingual and distolingual contour bars

Lingual View



Cusp ridges, marginal ridges and contour bars

Occlusal View



Step 6 Final Steps


Click and hold the cursor down on the 3D model above to rotate the model (or click on the 3D model and use the arrow buttons).



Fill in the remaining missing tooth structure using the PKT1 or PKT2 instruments using WHITE wax. Most of this step can be completed with the prepared tooth out of the typodont. Use the BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher, the CD 4/5 (discoid cleoid) carver to complete the final contour and finish of the wax-added exercise. Use a piece of nylon stocking or pantyhose to complete the finish. Re-wax your margins using BLUE WAX. Use your BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher to contour and seal the margins. Evaluate the margins of your wax pattern out of the typodont (using magnification). Screw the tooth back into the typodont and evaluate the completed wax pattern. After securing the prepared tooth with the completed wax pattern in the typodont, evaluate

1. mesial and distal contacts (location, magnitude and dimension)

2. buccal and lingual crests of curvature (location and extent)

3. anatomical details

4. smoothness of surface (check for subsurface voids)

5. location and magnitude of maximum intercuspation contacts



Final wax-added exercise

Buccal View



Final wax-added exercise

Lingual View



Final wax-added exercise

Occlusal view


Contact position and size

The buccal cusp of the mandibular first premolar contacts the mesial marginal ridge of the maxillary first premolar and the distal marginal ridge of the maxillary canine (orange dots) in maximum intercuspation.

The buccal cusp of the mandibular second premolar contacts the distal marginal ridge of the maxillary first premolar and the mesial marginal ridge of the maxillary second premolar (yellow dots) in maximum intercuspation.

The lingual cusp of the maxillary first premolar contacts the distal marginal ridge of the mandibular first premolar (white dot) in maximum intercuspation.




Final wax-added exercise

Occlusal View




Prepared Teeth in the Mandibular Arch


Click and hold the cursor down on the 3D model above to rotate the model (or click on the 3D model and use the arrow buttons).

Step 1 Initial Layer of Wax



With the prepared tooth in your hand (not screwed into the typodont), apply a thin layer of BLUE wax to the entire preparation. The wax should be of even thickness (approximately 0.5mm) and cover the entire surface of the preparation (prepared tooth surface). The wax should go to and slightly beyond the cavosurface margin of the preparation initially. Remove gross excess wax now. The final finishing and refinement of the margins will be managed at a later stage in the waxing procedure. The margins will be sealed and properly contoured using the beavertail portion of the BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher in one of the last steps of the procedure. Use the PKT1 instrument to apply the wax. There should be no voids in the wax. The type of margin around the preparation is supragingival and near the CEJ (cementoenamel junction). The type of margin is called a chamfer. The margin of the preparation is smooth and continuous. Therefore, if there is any irregularity or discontinuity in your waxed margin, the waxing is incorrect and requires modification.  


Initial layer of wax

Buccal View



Initial layer of wax

Lingual View



Initial layer of wax

Occlusal View


Step 2 Establishing Mesial and Distal Contacts & Cusp Tips



With the prepared tooth out of the typodont, fill in each of the proximal boxes with GREEN wax so that the contact bars can be placed in the next step. Screw the prepared tooth into the typodont. Using RED wax and the PKT1 instrument, add a cone to contact the distal portion of the adjacent mandibular second premolar and the mesial of the mandibular second molar. This step establishes the contacts that must be maintained throughout this exercise. The position of the contacts coincides with the mesial and distal crests of curvature of this tooth. The mesial crest of curvature is at the junction of the middle and occlusal third of the crown while the distal crest of curvature is in the middle third of the crown. Evaluate the amount and location of the wax cone from the buccal, lingual and occlusal views as shown below.

The mesiobuccal cusp tip is longer than the distobuccal cusp tip, which is longer than the distal cusp and follows the curve of Spee.

All of the cusps are visible from the lingual view as the cusps are offset. In the occlusal view, this is more evident. The contact areas are positioned buccal to centre. The two lingual cones should be kept far apart. In a working side movement, the large mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary first molar has to move over the lingual groove between these two cusps without contact.



Mesial and distal contacts, mesiobuccal, distobuccal, distal, mesiolingual and distolingual cusps

Buccal View



Mesial and distal contacts, mesiobuccal, distobuccal, distal, mesiolingual and distolingual cusps

Lingual View



Mesial and distal contacts, mesiobuccal, distobuccal, distal, mesiolingual and distolingual cusps

Occlusal View


Step 3 Establishing the Cusp Ridges



Screw the prepared tooth into the typodont. Using a PKT1 and GREEN wax, establish the mesial and distal cusp ridges of the four major cusps and the distal cusp. The GREEN wax of the cusp ridges and the RED wax of the contacts establish the occlusal table of the tooth. Evaluate the amount and location of wax from the buccal, lingual and occlusal views. Adjustments may be made with the tooth in or out of the typodont. The goal is to add the correct amount of wax in the correct location using your wax instruments. Minimal carving should be required.



Step 4 Establishing the Triangular Ridges




Using a PKT1 and RED wax, build the triangular ridges of the mesiobuccal, distobuccal, mesiolingual, distolingual and distal cusps. Begin by placing the wax near the central developmental groove and draw the wax toward the cusp tip. The triangular ridge of the each cusp should be triangular in shape and convex both mesiodistally and buccolingually. Do the same for the triangular ridges of all five cusps.




Step 5 Establishing the Contour Bars




Remove the tooth from the typodont to begin this step. Using a PKT1 and GREEN wax, establish contour bars at each of the line angles of the tooth. Establish contour bars from each of the cusp tips to the margin of the preparation. The contour bars should establish the buccal (cervical third) and lingual (middle of the middle third) crests of curvature. Evaluate the position and magnitude of the contour bars both in and out of the typodont. Assess the contacts after adding the lingual contour bars and make sure that the occlusion has not been altered. Carefully close the typodont. If the contacts are heavy, heat the wax using a PKT1 or PKT2 instrument to achieve an ideal location, size and magnitude of the contact. See the final picture for the location and size of the contacts.




Step 6 Final Steps


Click and hold the cursor down on the 3D model above to rotate the model (or click on the 3D model and use the arrow buttons).



Fill in the remaining missing tooth structure using the PKT1 or PKT2 instruments using WHITE wax. Most of this step can be completed with the prepared tooth out of the typodont. Use the BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher, the CD 4/5 (discoid cleoid) carver to complete the final contour and finish of the wax-added exercise. Use a piece of nylon stocking or pantyhose to complete the finish. Re-wax your margins using BLUE WAX. Use your BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher to contour and seal the margins. Evaluate the margins of your wax pattern out of the typodont (using magnification). Screw the tooth back into the typodont and evaluate the completed wax pattern. After securing the prepared tooth with the completed wax pattern in the typodont, evaluate

1. mesial and distal contacts (location, magnitude and dimension)

2. buccal and lingual crests of curvature (location and extent)

3. anatomical details

4. smoothness of surface (check for subsurface voids)

5. location and magnitude of maximum intercuspation contacts



Final wax-added exercise

Buccal View



Final wax-added exercise

Lingual View



Final wax-added exercise

Occlusal view


Contact position and size

The mesiobuccal cusp of the mandibular first molar (green dot) contacts the mesial marginal ridge of the maxillary first molar and the distal marginal ridge of the maxillary second premolar in maximum intercuspation.


The distobuccal cusp of the mandibular first molar (blue dot) contacts the central fossa of the maxillary first molar in maximum intercuspation.


The lingual cusp of the maxillary second premolar contacts the distal marginal ridge of the mandibular second premolar (black dot) and the mesial marginal ridge of the mandibular first molar (orange dots) in maximum intercuspation.


The mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary first molar contacts the central fossa of the mandibular first molar (white dot) in maximum intercuspation.


The distolingual cusp of the maxillary first molar contacts the distal marginal ridge of the mandibular first molar and the mesial marginal ridge of the mandibular second molar (red dots) in maximum intercuspation.



Final wax-added exercise

Occlusal View



Prepared Teeth in the Maxillary Arch


Click and hold the cursor down on the 3D model above to rotate the model (or click on the 3D model and use the arrow buttons.

Step 1 Initial Layer of Wax




With the prepared tooth in your hand (not screwed into the typodont), apply a thin layer of BLUE wax to the entire preparation. The wax should be of even thickness (approximately 0.5mm) and cover the entire surface of the crown (prepared tooth surface). The wax should go to and slightly beyond the cavosurface margin of the preparation initially. Remove gross excess wax now. The final finishing and refinement of the margins will be managed at a later stage in the waxing procedure. The margins will be sealed and properly contoured using the beavertail portion of the BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher in one of the last steps of the procedure. Use the PKT1 instrument to apply the wax. There should be no voids in the wax. The type of margin around the preparation is supragingival and near the CEJ (cementoenamel junction). The type of margin is called a chamfer. The margin of the preparation is smooth and continuous. Therefore, if there is any irregularity or discontinuity in your waxed margin, the waxing is incorrect and requires modification.



Initial layer of wax

Buccal View



Initial layer of wax

Lingual View



Initial layer of wax

Occlusal View


Step 2 Establishing Mesial and Distal Contacts & Cusp Tips




Screw the prepared tooth into the typodont. Using RED wax and the PKT1 instrument, add a cone to contact the distal portion of the adjacent maxillary second premolar and the mesial of the maxillary second molar. This step establishes the contacts that must be maintained throughout this exercise. The position of the contacts coincides with the mesial and distal crests of curvature of this tooth. The mesial crest of curvature is at the junction of the middle and occlusal third of the crown while the distal crest of curvature is in the middle third of the crown. Evaluate the amount and location of the wax cone from the buccal, lingual and occlusal views as shown below.

The mesiobuccal cusp tip is longer than the distobuccal cusp tip and follows the curve of Spee.

All of the cusps are visible from the lingual view as the cusps are offset. In the occlusal view, this is more evident. The contact areas are positioned buccal to centre. 



Mesial and distal contacts, mesiobuccal and distobuccal cusps

Buccal View



Mesial and distal contacts, mesiolingual and distolingual cusps

Lingual View



Mesial and distal contacts, mesiobuccal, distobuccal, mesiolingual and distolingual cusps

Occlusal View


Step 3 Establishing the Cusp Ridges





Screw the prepared tooth into the typodont. Using a PKT1 and GREEN wax, establish the mesial and distal cusp ridges of the four major cusps. The GREEN wax of the cusp ridges and the RED wax of the contacts establish the occlusal table of the tooth. Evaluate the amount and location of wax from the buccal, lingual and occlusal views. Adjustments may be made with the tooth in or out of the typodont. The goal is to add the correct amount of wax in the correct location using your wax instruments. Minimal carving should be required.




Step 4 Establishing the Triangular Ridges




Using a PKT1 and RED wax, build the triangular ridges of the mesiobuccal, distobuccal, mesiolingual and distolingual cusps. Begin by placing the wax near the central developmental groove and draw the wax toward the cusp tip. The triangular ridge of the each cusp should be triangular in shape and convex both mesiodistally and buccolingually. Do the same for the triangular ridges of all four cusps. Establish the oblique ridge in RED wax at this time. This ridge extends from the distal ridge of the mesiolingual cusp to the triangular ridge of the distobuccal cusp (see above outlined in WHITE).




Cusp ridges, triangular ridges and oblique ridge

Occlusal View


Step 5 Establishing the Contour Bars




Remove the tooth from the typodont to begin this step. Using a PKT1 and GREEN wax, establish the mesiobuccal contour bar and distobuccal contour bar at the line angles of the tooth. Establish contour bars from each of the cusp tips to the margin of the preparation. Do the same steps on the lingual surface of the crown. The contour bars should establish the buccal (cervical third) and lingual (middle of the middle third) crests of curvature. Evaluate the position and magnitude of the contour bars both in and out of the typodont. Assess the contacts after adding the lingual contour bars and make sure that the occlusion has not been altered. Carefully close the typodont. If the contacts are heavy, heat the wax using a PKT1 or 2 instrument to achieve an ideal location, size and magnitude of the contact. See the final picture for the location and size of the contacts.



Cusp ridges and contour bars

Buccal View




Cusp ridges and contour bars

Lingual View


Step 6 Final Steps


Click and hold the cursor down on the 3D model above to rotate the model (or click on the 3D model and use the arrow buttons.



Fill in the remaining missing tooth structure using the PKT1 or PKT2 instruments using WHITE wax. Most of this step can be completed with the prepared tooth out of the typodont. Use the BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher, the CD 4/5 (discoid cleoid) carver to complete the final contour and finish of the wax-added exercise. Use a piece of nylon stocking or pantyhose to complete the finish. Re-wax your margins using BLUE WAX. Use your BEAVERTAIL/ACORN burnisher to contour and seal the margins. Evaluate the margins of your wax pattern out of the typodont (using magnification). Screw the tooth back into the typodont and evaluate the completed wax pattern. After securing the prepared tooth with the completed wax pattern in the typodont, evaluate

1. mesial and distal contacts (location, magnitude and dimension)

2. buccal and lingual crests of curvature (location and extent)

3. anatomical details

4. smoothness of surface (check for subsurface voids)

5. location and magnitude of maximum intercuspation contacts



Final wax-added exercise

Buccal View



Final wax-added exercise

Lingual View



Final wax-added exercise

Occlusal view


Contact position and size

The mesiobuccal cusp of the mandibular first molar contacts the mesial marginal ridge of the maxillary first molar and the distal marginal ridge of the maxillary second premolar (yellow dots) in maximum intercuspation.

The distobuccal cusp of the mandibular first molar contacts the central fossa of the maxillary first molar (white dot) in maximum intercuspation.

The mesiobuccal cusp of the mandibular second molar contacts the distal marginal of the maxillary first molar and mesial marginal ridge of the maxillary second molar (orange dots)

The mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary first molar contacts the central fossa of the mandibular first molar (blue dot) in maximum intercuspation.

The distolingual cusp of the maxillary first molar contacts the distal marginal ridge of the mandibular first molar and the mesial marginal ridge of the mandibular second molar (green dot) in maximum intercuspation.



Final wax-added exercise

Occlusal View